MySweetCharity – Jeanne Prejean – Dec. 29, 2017 According to Gateway To Opportunity Luncheon Co-Chairs Gina Betts and Lisa Cooley, “Family Gateway opened in October of 1986 when Mayor-Pro Tem, Annette G. Strauss saw families living on the streets of Dallas and envisioned a facility where
GuideLive: DAYtoPLAY
Nov. 16, 2017 – Family Gateway will host its first family fundraiser, DAYtoPLAY, presented by Bank of America, at AT&T Performing Arts Center’s Annette Strauss Artist Square, honoring the late founder of Family Gateway, former Dallas Mayor Annette Strauss. The
DMN: Laura Bush to speak in Dallas at Family Gateway luncheon in September
The Dallas Morning News – Holly Haber – Aug. 22, 2017 Former first lady Laura Bush will give the keynote address at the annual Gateway to Opportunity luncheon Sept. 7 at the Omni Dallas Hotel. Paula Miltenberger and Betty Schultz are chairs of the benefit for
Family Gateway’s Raffle Offers Courtside Seats, Movie Audience VIP Status And Fashionable Designs And Pampering
MySweetCharity – AUG 8, 2017 2:30 PM BY JEANNE PREJEAN Talk about variety! That’s exactly what the Gateway to Opportunity raffle line up offers to benefit Family Gateway. There are just five items, but run the gamut from sports to self-indulgence. Here is the lineup: Start off
Gateway to Opportunity Luncheon Ad in DMN
Thanks to the Dallas Morning News Charities, the following quarter-page ad will be run in the Arts & Life section of the Dallas Morning News throughout the summer.
GTO Luncheon featured in MySweetCharity
Former First Twin/Author/”Today” Show Jenna Bush Hager Brought The Importance Of Family To Gateway To Opportunity Luncheon Oct 20, 2016 9:30 AM by Jeanne Prejean Despite a presidential debate taking place the night before, former First Twin Jenna Bush Hager
MySweetCharity Photo Gallery Alert: Gateway To Opportunity Luncheon
Oct 19, 2016 5:30 PM by Jeanne Prejean Blonde Jenna Bush Hager may seem to be living a dream life. Having had a grandpappy and daddy as U.S. Presidents meant home was more than a big, old “white house.” Her
WFAA: Affordable housing complex to spark more growth in Hutchins
HUTCHINS, TEXAS – The demand for affordable housing is rather heavy across North Texas right now. An increasing number of families are searching for affordable housing, but agencies say there just are not enough options. That’s why a popular developer,
GTO VIP Reception Featured in MySweetCharity
Paula Miltenberger’s folks Dianne and Jim Bosler were talked into moving from their Fort Worth acreage to cozier territory in Preston Hollow. Well, that’s if you can call an estate “cozy.” The draw was the Paula and husband Bay Miltenberger’s
Family Gateway Partners with Matthews Southwest
DALLAS, TX, October 10, 2016 – Family Gateway, a nonprofit organization providing support to homeless families in the Dallas area, has announced a new partnership with Matthews Southwest to develop much needed affordable housing. Given the uptick in housing prices,