Volunteer with Family Gateway

Volunteers are a crucial part of Family Gateway’s mission to provide life changing & supportive services to families with children experiencing homelessness. Your involvement enables us to serve more families in meaningful ways. We love our volunteers and value their commitment to our mission! Volunteers of all ages are needed, but children under the age of 14 must be supervised by an adult. Opportunities include:

Volunteer Application

Here are some easy ways to make a difference remotely:

We are always in need of supplies for the families in our shelter spaces, supportive housing, etc. Assemble kits with your corporation, neighborhood, school*, or place of worship! Donations can be dropped off at Family Gateway North (19373 Preston Road, Dallas, TX 75252) or Simmons Family Gateway Resource Center (1421 W. Mockingbird Ln, Ste C Dallas, TX 75247) .

Donation Form

Please fill out this form if you, your corporation, neighborhood, school, or place of worship would like to make a donation of snack bags, hygiene kits, etc. to help us keep track of donations. *Volunteer Hours: 1 hour for every $10.00 spent+ 1 hour for driving time to purchase snacks or items+ how many ever hours it took to assemble the bags or kits+ 1 hour for dropping the bags or kits off.

Contact Name(Required)
Group Name (if not an idividual)
Contact Email(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Drop off Time(Required)
Please upload receipts.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Additional Receipt
Please upload any additional receipts.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.


Please e-mail Kathy Kidwell (Director of Community Engagement) at kkidwell@familygateway.org .